Committees provide opportunities for returning time and talent to God as they plan, evaluate, recommend, oversee and implement ideas to enhance the life of our parish and to meet our financial obligations.
Parish & Finance Council
The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to offer recommendations, encouragement and support to the Pastor/Priest Supervisor and Parish Life Coordinator.
The role of the Finance Council is to oversee, recommend and guide the finances of the church.
Parish Pastoral Council
Kyle Cook, Chairperson
Brenda Blocker
Joe Fisher
Bryson Haverkamp
Koren Lewis
Greg McLaughlin
Jon Norton
Liz Sites
Oscar Valenzuela
Finance Council
Jake Kelly, Chairperson
Karman Diehl
Leah Hern
Greg McLaughlin
Cemetery Commission
The role of the Cemetery Commission is to maintain and improve the cemetery property in a way that honors those buried there.
Terry Root, Chairperson
Members: Roger Hummel, Roger Krinhop, Tom Smith, Oscar Valenzuela, Dennis Zumbrunn
Education Commission
The role of the Education Commission is to support the director of Religious Education in providing suitable catechists, materials and resources for the Pre-K through 12 Religious Education program and the Adult Discussion Group.
Laurie McLaughlin, Chairperson
Members: Janice Carroll, Sara Cook, Bryson Haverkamp, Vicki Lexow
Family Life/Respect Life Commission
The role of the Family Life/Respect Life Commission is to support families in their efforts toward health and holiness, to promote the growth of people, especially by strengthening family life within the parish community in the various types (single, divorced, widowed, etc.), and to promote respect for life from conception to death.
Sandy Barbee, Chairperson
Members: Abby Anderes, Koren Lewis, Mary Jo McDonald, Terry Miller, Chris Tassin
Liturgy Commission/Parish Renewal
The role of the Liturgy Commission is to plan, facilitate and evaluate worship including the art and environment and provide opportunities for spiritual renewal and training for liturgical ministers.
Liz Sites, Chairperson
Members: Kyle Cook, Karman Diehl, Jean Scanlan, Judy Smith, Marlo Zumbrunn
Maintenance/Improvement Commission
The role of the Maintenance/Improvement Commission is to be a visionary in maintaining and/or improving the properties (inside and out) of the parish.
Tim Wieters, Chairperson
Members: Joe Fisher, Jake Kelly, Cole Krinhop, Oscar Valenzuela
Stewardship Committee – Inactive
The role of the Stewardship Committee is to plan, evaluate, and carry out ways of promoting stewardship especially the preparation for the time, talent and treasure commitment weekend.
Bazaar Subcommittee
The role of the Bazaar Subcommittee is to plan the annual parish bazaar.
Sara Cook, Chairperson
Members: Leah Hern, Jake Kelly, Liz Sites