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We Reach Out and Serve

We are called to minister compassionately in love and service to one another. As all of us work together, we provide help and create hope for those members of our human family who are most in need.

Prayer Chain

St. Michael’s honors special requests for prayers.
Prayer requests are automatically emailed to all parishioners. Please contact Marita with your requests.

San Lorenzo Mission

San Lorenzo Mission is located in Tinaja, New Mexico. The population is made up of Navajo and Zuni Pueblo Indians.

There is a combined church/parish center, a family center (trailer house), a thrift store, and a two story house.

Since 2000, monthly donations have been sent to San Lorenzo — first to help with building of the church and various projects and now to help with regular expenses.

Chapman Valley Manor

Ecumenical services are provided for residents at the Chapman Valley Manor.

Service Time: 10:00 a.m.

Dates – 4th Sunday of February, April, June, August, October and December



Maynor is the child St. Michael’s is sponsoring through Unbound (aka Christian Foundation for Children and Aging).

The sponsorship benefits Maynor in these areas: nutrition, medical care, education, family assistance, Christian formation, recreation and clothing.

Communion to Shut-Ins

Communion is available to anyone unable to attend mass because of injury or illness. If you would be interested in this service, please contact Marita.


Red Cross Blood Drive

St. Michael’s hosts and coordinates local blood drives with other churches in the area.

Blood Drives:

1:30 pm – 6:30 pm
on dates to be announced.

To schedule an appointment call

Donations of pies, volunteers for canteen, escort and reception are also needed.

Food Pantry

Non-perishable food and toiletry items are collected to help those in need in the Dickinson County area. Collections are held during Advent and the month of July.

Monetary donations are also accepted for utility assistance.